Lifelines: The Unique Role of PE Teachers and Coaches in Student Wellness

Lifelines: The Unique Role of PE Teachers and Coaches in Student Wellness

Tue, October 10 2023 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM

Administered by OSPI


  • Marney Rohda
  • Maureen Underwood


The roles of PE teachers and coaches in physical wellness is a critical component in the overall well-being of the entire school community. From their unique vantage point, not as a classroom teacher or administrator, they have the chance to observe students in informal settings, interacting with peers as either teammates or competitors. There is often more emotion freely expressed in the gym or on the field than in any other part of students’ school lives and this can tap into another, often-unrecognized part of the role as ‘trusted adult’, someone students can turn to for support and guidance. This training will highlight the unique characteristics of that important role in student wellness, especially when students are at risk for behaviors that compromise their personal safety. It will provide PE teachers and coaches with a conversational framework for interacting with students when they see something that concerns them, giving them another skill to add to their instructional toolkit!

Event Notes

Zoom link will be sent after registration.


  • Tue, October 10 2023
    3:00 PM - 4:30 PM


Event # 160693

36 / 80
Registration Ends
Friday Oct 6, 2023 12:00 AM
Registration is now closed.

Zoom link will be on attendee page after registration.

Professional Hours

Clock Hour Number: SPJ0191
1.50 Clock Hours (Suicide Prevention)