IslandWood + OSPI ClimeTime Present: Schoolyard Learning for K-2 Teachers

IslandWood + OSPI ClimeTime Present: Schoolyard Learning for K-2 Teachers

Cohort A

Fri, October 8 12:00 AM - Mon, December 13 2021 2:00 AM

Administered by PSESD


  • Laura Brown
  • Brad Street


Cohort B will meet online the following 2021 dates: 10/9, 10/28, 11/18, and 12/7. For a different set of dates, register for Cohort B.

Incorporating the schoolyard into your classroom is an essential strategy for justice-centered and engaging science learning. Local and relevant scientific phenomena--those which occur in students' everyday places--will connect Next Generation Science Standards to student knowledge; reflect student interests and identities; and affirm all students as scientists. Plus, taking learning outdoors reduces COVID-19 risk!

In this online course, IslandWood educators will share tools and a ready-to-use curriculum to support community-centered science learning in your schoolyard. Following an introductory asynchronous session, participants will join IslandWood educators and fellow teachers for a synchronous Zoom session to try out a few lessons and plan for implementing an NGSS-aligned storyline that builds understanding of the changing seasons. The storyline will integrate science standards with ELA read alouds and culturally sustaining activities that engage students' families and communities. 

During two online follow-up sessions, participants will engage in a professional learning community with a small group of other teachers to reflect on their process and generate new ideas. We’ll meet for a final online session with a second cohort of teachers to discuss lessons learned that can be carried forward into future instruction.

Event Notes

Please note:


This course is intended for teachers of K-2 students with some flexibility in what they teach. Informal science educators are also welcome! 

If you follow a national science curriculum, we suggest that you contact us directly for individualized consultation. Email to inquire.

Participants can earn up to 11 STEM clock hours for this course.

Washington State Public School Teachers will receive a $300 implementation stipend upon submission of teacher & student work and completion of assessments. 

This event is open to Washington State teachers only.


  1. 1.5 hours of asynchronous time, due by 10/8/21
  2. 10/9/21 ~ 10 AM – 2:30 PM Zoom
  3. 10/28/21 ~ 3:30 – 5:00 PM Zoom
  4. 11/18/21 ~ 3:30 – 5:00 PM Zoom
  5. 12/7/21 ~ 3:30 – 5:00 PM Zoom
  6. 2 hours of asynchronous time, due by 12/13/21

Here are your next steps for participating in this course:

1.       Log in to Google Classroom as soon as possible, using this link: 

*Make sure you’re signed in to a personal Gmail account and signed out of all other accounts (district accounts are not compatible with the Classroom). 

2.       View the Recorded Asynchronous Session by Friday, October 8 (Cohort A) or Friday, October 15 (Cohort B). 

3.       Email with any questions or for support accessing the Google Classroom or Asynchronous Session.


  • Fri, October 8 2021
    12:00 AM - 1:30 AM
    1.5 hours of asynchronous time
  • Sat, October 9 2021
    10:00 AM - 2:30 PM
  • Thu, October 28 2021
    3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
  • Thu, November 18 2021
    3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
  • Tue, December 7 2021
    3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
  • Mon, December 13 2021
    12:00 AM - 2:00 AM
    2 hours of asynchronous time


Event # 135068

33 / 40
Registration Ends
Friday Oct 8, 2021 8:00 AM
Registration is now closed.

After registering via this website, we will need to collect additional information. Please click here to complete registration.

Professional Hours

Clock Hour Number: SEL0096
11.00 Clock Hours $33.00
11.00 STEM