Closing the Gap: The Science of School Counseling Data Mini-Series for CSCP Staff

Closing the Gap: The Science of School Counseling Data Mini-Series for CSCP Staff

Thu, October 26 2023 9:00 AM - Wed, January 24 2024 10:00 AM

Administered by OSPI

  • [ New Announcement ] 10/26/23 Webinar Resources

    Hello CSCP staff,

    Thank you so much for joining us on October 26, 2023 for the first session in our *NEW* Data Mini-Series on Closing the Gap

    This session was titled, “Identifying Gaps in the Data." We defined the terms "disproportionality" and "gap" and practiced finding them in different sets of school data, as the first step in our closing the gap project. Slides(attached)  | Recording

    When we meet again on Nov. 29, from 9:00-10:00 a.m. (Zoom link), we will make plans for finding the root cause, the second step in our closing the gap project. 

    • Please bring a list of students that you will be supporting through an intervention - this should be the same group of students that you identified today as showing up the school data disproportionately. If you are a grad student or otherwise not at a school site, just show up (no list needed).

    Remember to schedule some time with your supervising administrator to get them up to speed on your closing the gap project and ask for their input. They are welcome to join our mini-series webinars as well!!

      11/2/2023 10:00 AM   Angelica Martinez  


    • Whitney Triplett


    Designed specifically for Comprehensive School Counseling Program (CSCP) staff, this 5-part mini-series will guide participants through a project to address a gap that exists in their school’s student achievement, behavior, or attendance data. The series is intentionally designed to conclude in January so participants can share their results with their school community during National School Counseling Week, Feb. 5-9, 2024. Upon completion of the series, participants will earn a certificate and be recognized at the WSCA Conference in March 2024.


    • Thu, October 26 2023
      9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
    • Wed, November 29 2023
      9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
    • Wed, December 13 2023
      9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
    • Thu, January 11 2024
      9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
    • Wed, January 24 2024
      9:00 AM - 10:00 AM


    Event # 163219

    Registration Ends
    Friday Aug 9, 2024 11:59 PM
    Registration is now closed.

    Professional Hours

    Clock Hour Number: SPL0177
    5.00 Clock Hours
    5.00 Equity
    5.00 Equity
