Awe and Wonder Podcast Series 2: Leaders & Changemakers in AT/AAC, Asynchronous 2023-2024

Awe and Wonder Podcast Series 2: Leaders & Changemakers in AT/AAC, Asynchronous 2023-2024

SETC on demand, Leadership Podcast series 2023-2024

Wed, September 20 2023 8:00 AM - Mon, September 30 2024 6:00 PM


  • Brenda Del Monte
  • Sarah Kinsella
  • Kristin Leslie
  • Sue Wright


This is a series of podcasts that will each cover a process of teaching Literacy and inclusionary practices. The podcasts are pre-recorded and edited for on-demand/Asynchronous viewing.

Each podcast is about an hour and has 15 minutes of homework. The homework is a survey of thoughtful questions about the learning experience.


Description: Are you wondering how to keep momentum in the field of AAC and AT? Do you need some inspiration? Join Brenda and Sarah as they talk with leaders and changemakers who create awe and wonder in unique ways. "Wonder inspires the wish to understand; awe inspires the wish to let shine, to acknowledge and to unite." Ulrich Weger & Johannes Wagemann (sourced from Atlas of the Heart by Brene Brown) Participants will hear first-hand accounts from people supporting students with complex needs. We can't know where we're going unless we know where we come from, and we are excited to interview people who are going the distance. Assistive Technology & Augmentative Alternative Communication (AAC) trends, changes, mentorship, and strategies will be discussed, but human connection is highlighted throughout part 2 of this engaging series. Leadership themes, such as building professional communities, building professional capacity, encouraging equity in instruction, and facilitating meaningful family engagement and flow throughout these podcast interviews. 

Learning Objectives: 

Participants will:

  • Listen to multiple perspectives of people who support kids with complex learning needs. 

  • Hear first-hand accounts of what works and doesn’t work when making changes and mentoring others in AT/AAC. 

  • Gain insights into strategies for moving forward in the field of AT/AAC and reflect on how the field has changed over time. 

Audience: K-12 educators, special educators, administrators, parents

Release dates & order:

 Awe and Wonder Podcast: Leaders & Changemakers E1- Jane Farrall 

 Awe and Wonder Podcast: Leaders & Changemakers E2- Caroline Musslewhite

 Awe and Wonder Podcast: Leaders & Changemakers E3- Barb Lark & Cathy Hoesterey

 Awe and Wonder Podcast: Leaders & Changemakers E4- Mo Buti

 Awe and Wonder Podcast: Leaders & Changemakers E5- Michele Bishop

 Awe and Wonder Podcast: Leaders & Changemakers E6- Lauren Enders

 Awe and Wonder Podcast: Leaders & Changemakers E7- Cassie Sementelli

Awe and Wonder Podcast: Leaders & Changemakers E8- Dan Herlihy 

Awe and Wonder Podcast: Leaders & Changemakers E9- Recap  

Ten online homework questions are required for the completion of each hour of training. Look for the Evidence of Learning Survey on the SETC website.

More detail----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Title: Awe and Wonder Podcast: Leaders & Changemakers in AT/AAC


Episode 1 Jane Farrall

Jane Farrall, a true leader and change maker in the area of AAC and Literacy, highlights having an "every student can" mindset, as well as the benefit of using the Participation Model for AAC (Beukelman & Mirenda.) She discusses how this model can help us accept students' abilities today while planning for growth tomorrow. Jane shares how modelling is critical to student growth, while practices, such as hand-over-hand, inhibit student growth. Her wealth of knowledge gives us key pointers for building equity in literacy instruction. 

Her blog and website provide many resources for building the professional capacity of school personnel in AAC and Literacy. 

Building Professional Capacity


Episode 2 – Carolyn Musselwhite

Dr. Caroline Musselwhite is an assistive technology specialist with more than 30 years of experience working with children and adolescents with severe disabilities in a variety of settings. In this podcast, Carolyn stresses how having the mindset of presuming potential encourages student growth. She describes the "3 Es" that guide her interaction with kids and mentoring of educators and families: Effective…Efficient…Engaging. Carolyn shares how she uses modelling and demonstrating to build professional capacity.  

Throughout her work of mentoring others and building a professional community around AAC and literacy, she models a "Life-work" balance, always putting life before work to reduce burnout. 

Professional Community for Teachers and Staff

Professional Capacity of School Personnel

Episode 3 – Barb Lark and Cathy Hoesterey 

Barb Lark and Cathy Hoesterey are recent retirees who continue to be involved in mentoring and leading in the AAC and AT world in Washington state. As they look back on their careers in education, they share how they both were involved in establishing the statewide and regional assistive technology meetings, where educators gathered to share ideas and problem-solve together. These AT groups have lived on and continue to grow, providing a well-established professional community of educators helping one another build capacity within their schools. Cathy and Barb also talk about meaningful engagement with families and in the community and how building these connections support student growth and professional development for educators. 

Professional Capacity of School Personnel

Professional Community for Teachers and Staff

Meaningful Engagement of Families and Community

Episode 4- Mo Buti

In this podcast, Mo Buti talks about her experience as an educator, administrator, and, first and foremost, an advocate. Mo considers us all advocates, and we work towards positive outcomes for students. She shares how presuming competency and team collaboration are key to bringing teams together and finding solutions. Mo is full of student stories and connects her ideas and wisdom to what she has learned from the students and teams she has worked with. Mo stresses how being willing to try things differently and model strategies lead to building professional capacity in educators. She encourages educators to ask key questions, connect with each other, and be active problem solvers to take steps to change "one thing" that is "doable." Lastly, Mo talks about being willing to bust myths about AAC to help teams move forward with tools and strategies for students.  

Professional Capacity of School Personnel

Professional Community for Teachers and Staff

Episode 5 Michelle Bishop

With nearly four decades of experience working with students with multiple disabilities, first as a teacher and then as a technology specialist, Michele Bishop currently works to help people integrate wheelchair controls with access to technologies for life. Michelle shares her early experience with advocating for inclusive learning environments and how to equip students with the skills they need. Michelle's interest in using technology for student learning began early in her career, but she stresses that even as technology advances, technology should never replace instruction. Michelle highlights the need to build relationships with students, communicate with families, and always have a forward-thinking path to guide instruction. When asked how she coaches educators in teaching students with complex needs, Michelle shares her perspective that fostering authentic communication and allowing students to guide the interaction is key to building a teaching-learning relationship.  

Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment

Episode 6 Lauren Enders

Lauren Enders is an Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) and Assistive Technology (AT) Consultant working for the Bucks County Intermediate Unit in Eastern Pennsylvania. She talks about how Augmentative Alternative Communication implementation is in its infancy, and we are still establishing best practices. Lauren makes a distinction between the training of AAC and implementation. She stresses the importance of having conversations with teams over time to problem-solve implementation barriers together and build professional capacity leading to a community of professionals rather than the "expert" model. In Lauren's many avenues of influence on social media, she stresses the importance of sharing AAC implementation ideas in a digestible and visual way to build understanding in families and educators who work with students daily.  

Building professional capacity and professional community. 

Episode 7 - Cassie Sementelli 

Cassie Sementelli, a longtime leader and changemaker in the world of AT and AAC, shares her early experience with inclusion and how to equip students with the tools they need to participate fully. She talks about the importance of making a meaningful connection to engage families in a collaborative way. She discusses ways for educators to make authentic connections with students and families, and coworkers. As her role has shifted from one on one services to building the capacity of programs, she mentors others educators. In this podcast, she shares wisdom around building the professional capacity of school personnel through modeling and the mindset that "there is never just one way," but instead, there are multiple ways to achieve collaborative goals. 

Professional Capacity of School Personnel

Professional Community for Teachers and Staff


Meaningful Engagement of Families and Community



Episode 8 Dan Herlihy

Dan Herlihy, an AT Resource Specialist, has been a leader and changemaker in the world of education for many decades. Dan talks about building the professional capacity of school personnel through transforming professional development. Dan stresses the importance of incorporating critical thinking, self-reflection, and self-assessment into professional development to help educators take charge of their own learning. Dan shares many stories from his career, highlighting his growth mindset and how mindset is key when integrating assistive technology to support student learning. 


Professional Capacity of School Personnel


Episode 9 Sarie and Brenda Wrapping up Leaders and Change Makers

 Are you STILL wondering how to keep momentum in the field of AT/AAC? Do you need some inspiration? Join Brenda and Sarah as they talk with leaders and changemakers who create awe and wonder in unique ways. “Wonder inspires the wish to understand; awe inspires the wish to let shine, to acknowledge and to unite.” Ulrich Weger & Johannes Wagemann (sourced from Atlas of the Heart by Brene Brown) Participants will hear first-hand accounts from people supporting students with complex needs. We can’t know where we’re going unless we know where we come from and we are excited to interview people who are going the distance. Assistive Technology & Augmentative Alternative Communication (AAC) trends, changes, mentorship, and strategies will be discussed, but human connection is highlighted throughout part 2 of this engaging series. Overview and recap of best practices.

Event Notes


  • Wed, September 20 2023 - Mon, September 30 2024
    8:00 AM - 6:00 PM


Event # 161417

53 / 550
Registration Ends
Thursday Sep 26, 2024 12:00 AM
Registration is now closed.

Complete the Evidence of Learning survey, for each hour of training, on the SETC professional development page.

Professional Hours

Clock Hour Number: 161417
9.00 Clock Hours $27.00
9.00 Educational Leadership