VESi Drugs & Alcohol in Schools: Understanding Substance Use & Abuse

VESi Drugs & Alcohol in Schools: Understanding Substance Use & Abuse


Thu, September 1 2022 12:00 AM - Thu, August 31 2023 11:59 PM


  • Mick Jackson


ALL SESSIONS ARE OPEN. PLEASE DISREGARD "SESSION IS AT CAPACITY" MESSAGE. DO NOT PLACE YOURSELF ON THE WAITING LIST.  Register and pay the $150 courseware fee via VESi: The $3.00 per clock hour fee will be paid to ESD 105 upon completion of course.

Drugs & Alcohol in Schools is an interactive computer-based instruction course, designed to give you a more comprehensive understanding of alcohol, drugs, and their influences in your classroom. Drugs & Alcohol in Schools provides a contextual framework for understanding what students may be experiencing through their own substance use or the impact of substance use around them.  The course provides a basic historical perspective of substance use along with descriptions of biological, psychological, and social factors that comprise the disease of addiction.  This program will help you better understand a multitude of complex dynamics that contribute to this biological and social phenomenon.


  • Thu, September 1 2022 - Thu, August 31 2023
    12:00 AM - 11:59 PM


Event # 146448

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Registration Ends
Thursday Aug 31, 2023 12:00 AM
Registration is now closed.

Registration is $150 and handled by VESI.

To register please go to 

Professional Hours

Clock Hour Number: 146448
30.00 Clock Hours $90.00