VESi Violence in Schools: Identification, Prevention & Intervention Strategies

VESi Violence in Schools: Identification, Prevention & Intervention Strategies


Thu, September 1 2022 12:00 AM - Thu, August 31 2023 12:00 AM


  • Mick Jackson


ALL SESSIONS ARE OPEN. PLEASE DISREGARD "SESSION IS AT CAPACITY" MESSAGE. DO NOT PLACE YOURSELF ON THE WAITING LIST.  Register and pay the $150 courseware fee via VESi: The $3.00 per clock hour fee will be paid to ESD 105 upon completion of course. 

Welcome to Violence in Schools, an interactive computer-based instruction course, designed to give you a better understanding of school violence and increase your interventions strategies.  Violence in Schools provides a foundational understanding of violence and the motivational purposes behind aggression.  The correlation with and impact of the media, community and family upon violence will be investigated.  The course teaches identification and intervention approaches for working with out-of-control behaviors.  In addition, each student will receive information on available national resources for both parents and teachers.  This course will help each person to increase his or her understanding of violence, the motivations behind the use of violence and specific strategies to minimize the occurrence of violence in a school and community.  


  • Thu, September 1 2022 - Thu, August 31 2023
    12:00 AM - 12:00 AM


Event # 146786

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Registration Ends
Thursday Aug 31, 2023 11:30 PM
Registration is now closed.

Registration is $150 and handled by VESI.

To register please go to 

Professional Hours

Clock Hour Number: 146786
30.00 Clock Hours $90.00


K-12 Teachers