Book Study, Daily STEM - How To Create a STEM Culture In Your Classrooms And Communities

Book Study, Daily STEM - How To Create a STEM Culture In Your Classrooms And Communities

Book Study, Daily STEM

Wed, August 21 2024 12:00 AM - Thu, August 21 2025 12:00 AM


  • Craig Homnick


Daily Stem is an important read for educators who are interested in incorporating a STEM culture in their classrooms and schools. The author does a good job not only talking about specific activities that are connected to STEM, but also understands the importance of finding ways to engage and inspire students in the learning process. The author is relatable and genuine and speaks from personal experiences as he is currently a classroom teacher. This book will help any classroom teacher, K-12, gain confidence in taking that first important step toward creating a classroom culture that is relevant and interesting to students.

This course renews annually and is ongoing. You will have one year from the date of your registration to complete this course.

Event Notes

You will register for this course via the Teacher Study website with the external link provided.  The registration fee is $175.  Clock hours are sponsored by ESD 112 and the clock hour fee is $90.


  1. Purchase and read DAILY STEM - How to Create a STEM Culture in Your Classrooms and Communities, By Chris Woods

     You can find this book at or your favorite bookstore. 

2) Write complete answers to all of the questions on the Book Study Handout. The handout is provided to you after registration is completed.

3) Educators will  write a 2-3 page paper addressing the following:                                  

    1. What is one thing you can do tomorrow  with students to get them thinking about STEM? 
    2. Which parts of STEM do you feel most comfortable teaching and which parts do you feel least comfortable teaching, and why?
    3. What are some practical ways you can incorporate makerspaces into your classroom? What could that look like?
    4. What are some actionable ways you can build a STEM culture in your classroom and community? 

Turn in the 2-3 page paper.


  • Book Study, Daily STEM
    Wed, August 21 2024 - Thu, August 21 2025
    12:00 AM - 12:00 AM

    You will have one year from the date of registration to complete this course.