Climate Science 3.0: Modeling and Student Explanations for Grades K – 2 Teachers

Climate Science 3.0: Modeling and Student Explanations for Grades K – 2 Teachers

Funding for this Canvas Course made possible with the Climate Science Proviso

March 1-26 2021 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM


  • Scott Killough


In this FREE online asynchronous Canvas Course, attendees will learn a protocol for developing and using models as a means for students to explain their thinking and understanding of scientific concepts. In this context of the course, the protocol will be applied to a climate science topic. With regard to NGSS alignment, the course focuses on the practice “Developing and Using Models”, as well as “Constructing Explanations” within the dimension “Science and Engineering Practices.”


March Cohort participants will need to commit between 6 to 10 hours in order to complete all lessons. The course is open from March 1, 2021 7:00 AM to March 26, 2021 5:00 PM.


  • March 1-26 2021
    7:00 AM - 5:00 PM


Event # 110972

71 / 24
Registration Ends
Monday Mar 1, 2021 5:00 PM
Registration is now closed.

Professional Hours

Clock Hour Number: OLAE0223
10.00 Clock Hours $35.00
10.00 STEM


STEM Science