Teaching Outside [Cohort A]

Teaching Outside [Cohort A]

Climetime - Teaching for the Climate Collaborative

Thu, October 27 2022 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM


  • Nicola Follis
  • Annitra Peck


The Teaching Outside workshop is designed to provide teachers and other elementary education staff with the basic skills and tools to implement experiential activities on school sites, in local parks, and in urban settings. Using hands-on, experiential, and discussion based learning, teachers will have the opportunity to discuss benefits and barriers to teaching outside, practice assessing and managing risks, experience NGSS aligned outside activities, and collaborate on ways to make outdoor lessons effective and engaging for students. Please note, the majority of this workshop will be held outside on school grounds.

Event Notes

You will be sent a survey before the course to confirm your registration, gather some additional information, and secure a spot. 

Clock Hours: 2 STEM clock hours ($3 per clock hour - claimed through pdEnroller at end of course)

Stipend: $50 upon completion of an outdoor lesson with students.  Teacher toolkit included with the training.

Funding is provided by the Washington State Legislature through the ClimeTime proviso. 


Irene Reither Elementary
954 E Hemmi Rd Everson WA 98247


  • Thu, October 27 2022
    4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
    Irene Reither Elementary


Event # 144127

14 / 25
Registration Ends
Wednesday Oct 19, 2022 5:00 PM
Registration is now closed.

Target Audience: Intended for Whatcom County elementary educators (grades K-5).

Update your profile

Registration is restricted to these groups:
  • Bellingham
  • Blaine
  • Ferndale
  • Meridian
  • Mount Baker
  • Nooksack Valley
  • Lynden

Professional Hours

Clock Hour Number: 144127
2.00 Clock Hours $11.00
2.00 STEM


Science STEM


Science Climate Science