24-25 Clallam County Transition Council Meeting
24-25 Clallam County Transition Council Meeting
- Jaimie Laitinen
Join this virtual meeting to connect and network with families, educators, employment service providers, and others who are invested in students with disabilities transitioning from School to Work and Adult Life.
The meetings will be held on Zoom and will include presentations from local school programs and providers, as well as time for questions and networking.
Event Notes
*This is a continuation of the previous transition council with new members and partners and we are very excited to gather and discuss goals and ideas for moving forward.
For more information and to join the council meetings, please email jaimie@gowise.org
If you need materials in an alternate format or any other accommodations in order to participate please email Beth@gowise.org with your specific request as soon as possible.
Tue, October 29 20243:30 PM - 5:00 PMhttps://gowise.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMlduytrTosGNRcdOGEC_BbF66J2N4Gbt98
Tue, January 21 20253:30 PM - 5:00 PMhttps://gowise.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0kc-ihpz0pGtEe4_MCOV3aTR0FKM9X31-2
Tue, May 20 20253:30 PM - 5:00 PMhttps://gowise.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0ldeGsqToqE9zy_05wVqHrzWjQ09BP16-v
Professional Hours
Clock Hour Number: BNN02804.50 | Clock Hours | $13.50 |