Teaching Sexuality and Answering Questions
Teaching Sexuality and Answering Questions
SparkED Module 1
- Kaden Sullivan
- Leslie Briner
This course provides an overview of what's involved and what to consider when teaching sex education and sexuality, with emphasis on how to engage in strong conversations with young people. Participants will learn to help young people normalize deep, meaningful conversations about sex and sexuality while removing the stigma associated with these topics. The course will explore sexuality through a person's lifespan and six aspects of sexuality. The course will expand on how to identify and effectively respond to different types of sex related questions, including values-based questions, as well as how to set up anonymous questions.
Event Notes
This is an asynchronous online course that you can complete at your own pace. Each of the modules is 3-4 hours long.
Once registered in pdEnroller, click https://sparked.healthlms.org/ets/home. This link will take you directly to Learning Management System where the courses are housed. Training participants will need to create an account and then you'll be able to register for open courses.
Please register for the course with the same email you used for PD Enroller, so we can mark attendance correctly. Participants who complete the module and complete a required PD Enroller evaluation will receive 3.5 clock hours. Since we are working with an external partner, attendance will be verified at the end of each month. It may take 1-4 weeks for you to receive clock hours by email.
Important Fee Information: This course is being offered at no cost until Dec. 31. Starting Jan. 1, 2021 SparkEd will be charging $200 per course.
Tue, June 30 - Thu, December 31 202012:00 AM - 11:59 PMOnline
Event # 105586
- Price
- Free
- Registered
- 130 / 1000
- Registration Ends
- Thursday Dec 31, 2020 12:00 AM
Professional Hours
Clock Hour Number: SPD02413.50 | Clock Hours |