Foundations Training (Sexual Health Education Essentials) - Day 1 - Renton, WA

Foundations Training (Sexual Health Education Essentials) - Day 1 - Renton, WA

Sexual Health Education Essentials 1-day Training with optional 2nd Day

Wed, June 20 2018 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM


The first day of the Foundations training covers the essential skills for facilitating sex education, including: climate building in the classroom; understanding state and local sex education policies; pedagogical approaches for experiential learning; values clarification; managing personal disclosure; and handling difficult questions and harassing comments. 

Day 2 of the training, which is optional, will offer two half-day modules covering the following topics: 

A Trauma-Informed Approach to Sex Education: identifies the potential impact of trauma on student behavior in the classroom, and the experience of sexuality education. It presents the SAMHSA 6 Components of a Trauma-Informed Approach and works with participants to practice applying these strategies in the facilitation of curricula. This module is a follow-up to the Foundations core skill workshop and builds upon the skills introduced. 

LGBTQ Inclusive Sex Ed presents strategies to increase inclusion in existing programs through facilitation. The module reviews basic terminology and issues relevant to LGBTQ youth and looks at data supporting the importance of inclusive sex ed. Participants apply the strategies learned to the core skills introduced in the Foundations training.  

Foundations focuses on the core skills needed to effectively facilitate sex education and does not include information on content such as birth control methods, STDs, healthy relationships, etc. Educators are strongly encouraged to brush up on their content knowledge prior to participating in Foundations. Answer offers a series of online professional development workshops that cover essential sex education content, and other online training options are provided on OSPI's website.

6 clock hours will be provided for each full-day of training (no cost).

The training is open to school staff and community-based educators who provide sexual health education.

Event Notes

This training, developed by Answer and Cardea Services,  is being provided in lieu of the ESHE Academy two-day training. It covers much of the same content.



Renton Technical College - Annex - Room 125
3407 NE 2nd St. Renton WA 98056


  • Wed, June 20 2018
    9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
    Room 125