Section 504: New Questions, Same Process

Section 504: New Questions, Same Process

Thu, March 17 2022 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM


  • Sarah Albertson
  • Kristin Hennessey
  • Kasha Roseta
  • Mallory Sullivan
  • Jeremy Page


The COVID-19 pandemic has raised many new and challenging questions about meeting the needs of students with disabilities in public schools. While the Section 504 process and nondiscrimination principles remain the same, how schools meet these needs might need to change. This training provides an overview the Section 504 process—from identifying and evaluating students with disabilities to developing and implementing Section 504 plans. Consideration will be given to questions the OSPI Equity and Civil Rights Office commonly fields related to the COVID-19 pandemic.



  • Thu, March 17 2022
    12:00 PM - 2:00 PM


Event # 140177

Registration Ends
Thursday Mar 17, 2022 2:00 PM
Registration is now closed.

Professional Hours

Clock Hour Number: SPF0202
2.00 Clock Hours