SY 2023–24 School Meal Programs Annual Training
SY 2023–24 School Meal Programs Annual Training
SY 23–24 Annual Training
- Ben Brown
- Samantha Brueske
OSPI Child Nutrition Services (CNS) will be hosting In-Person Annual Training at Central Washington University! Join us on August 9 & 10, 2023!
IMPORTANT- All trainings from this event will not be recorded or made available virtually. The set up for this year is intended to go more in-depth into key topic areas and will provide hands-on activity time. Recorded trainings on program requirements, such as meal pattern, processing applications, and verification, will be available in our new learning management system, Canvas, in August 2023—Keep an eye out for CNS Updates with more details.
Getting the Most out of Annual Training
OSPI Child Nutrition Services is hosting annual training as multiple workshops to provide an opportunity to explore School Meal Program operations and hot topics in depth. Our schedule is designed to allow participants that register for both dates to maximize Professional Standard Credits. View the draft agenda including the full session descriptions on the NSLP Training webpage for more details.
Who Should Attend?
This training is meant to enhance your knowledge about the School Meal Programs and allow time for you to connect to other School Meal Program operators around the state. Training is free to attend; however, participants must pay for meals, parking, and any overnight stays.
Please limit attendance to 3 people per organization to ensure all who are interested in attending may have the opportunity to join the training.
Questions? Please email the School Meals Team inbox.
Event Notes
Wednesday, August 9 - Morning Session
Wed, August 9 20238:00 AM - 12:00 PMWednesday, August 9, Morning Session Registration- Please select a session to attend. This selection is for the 8 am – Noon session only. If you would like to register for an afternoon session, please do so in the afternoon breakout session.
Basics of Operating the School Meal Programs - Part 1
Wed, August 9 20238:00 AM - 12:00 PMCheck-In: 7:00 AM - 8:00 AMCentral Washington University- Student Union Recreation Center - Ballroom AIMPORTANT: Participants that register for this session must register for both Part 1 and 2 on the same day.
Did you start working with the School Meal Programs in the last five years? This 8-hour training is designed for individuals in a food service director or managerial role. We will focus on the basics of operating a successful school meal program, including meal pattern, menu planning, using your USDA Foods, and implementing an accurate point-of-service meal counting system.
This training will not focus on direct certification, processing meal applications, verification, or procurement. To learn more on these topics, we recommend watching the following trainings on the School Meal Programs Moodle:
You must have a Moodle account and be 'self-enrolled' in the course to view these presentations.
Culturally Inclusive Menu Planning
Wed, August 9 20238:00 AM - 12:00 PMCheck-In: 7:00 AM - 8:00 AMCentral Washington University- Student Union Recreation Center - Ballroom BDo you want to add flavor and pizzazz to your menu planning process, and increase participation? In this workshop, participants will explore how different cultures and religions impact menu planning, and learn how to incorporate culturally inclusive meals into the planning process. You will also work to identify strategies to gather more information from your school community about various meal preferences, and strategize communication and promotion of culturally inclusive menu planning to your school community.
Monitoring Your Food Service Management Companies (FSMC) Contract
Wed, August 9 20238:00 AM - 12:00 PMCheck-In: 7:00 AM - 8:00 AMCentral Washington University- Student Union Recreation Center - Ballroom CIMPORTANT: This session is required for Local Education Agency (LEA) officials with Food Service Management Company contracts. Registrants are only required to attend one training session. Please bring your LEA’s FSMC contracts and Request for Proposals (RFPs).
Whose responsibility is Food Nutrition Services when contracting with a Food Service Management Company (FSMC)?Participants will work to identify roles and responsibilities in USDA Child Nutrition Programs when contracting with FSMC and how to monitor FSMC contracts.
We will utilize group discussions to exchange ideas and consider frequent findings from administrative and procurement reviews so you can leave with an action plan to ensure that your district remains in control of quality and nutritious meals!
USDA Foods
Wed, August 9 20238:00 AM - 12:00 PMCheck-In: 7:00 AM - 8:00 AMCentral Washington University- Student Union Recreation Center - Ballroom DIMPORTANT: This session will only be offered once. If the session does not reach 25 registrants by July 15, 2023, it will be cancelled. Registrants will be notified by email if the session will not take place and will be able to sign up for a different session.
Partner with the FDP (Food Distribution Program) team as we take an in-depth look at how your program can utilize and manage each aspect of the USDA Foods programs. We will be reviewing best practices for USDA Direct, DoD Fresh Produce and Diversions. You will leave with a better understanding of FDP and how to maximize your Entitlement allocations to be the best stewards of your resources.
Wednesday, August 9 - Afternoon Session
Wed, August 9 20231:00 PM - 5:00 PMWednesday, August 9, Afternoon Session Registration- Please select a session to attend. This selection is for the 1–5 pm session only.
Basics of Operating the School Meal Programs - Part 2
Wed, August 9 20231:00 PM - 5:00 PMCentral Washington University- Student Union Recreation Center - Ballroom AIMPORTANT: Participants that register for this session must register for both Part 1 and 2 on the same day.
Did you start working with the School Meal Programs in the last five years? This 8-hour training is designed for individuals in a food service director or managerial role. We will focus on the basics of operating a successful school meal program, including meal pattern, menu planning, using your USDA Foods, and implementing an accurate point-of-service meal counting system.
This training will not focus on direct certification, processing meal applications, verification, or procurement. To learn more on these topics, we recommend watching the following trainings on the School Meal Programs Moodle:
You must have a Moodle account and be 'self-enrolled' in the course to view these presentations.
Procurement and Farm to School Activities
Wed, August 9 20231:00 PM - 5:00 PMCentral Washington University- Student Union Recreation Center - Ballroom BDo you want to serve more local foods in your meals, but feel intimidated by procurement requirements?
This interactive session is designed to help school food service directors navigate the requirements, exemptions, and allowances of local procurement in Washington State. Sponsors will learn how to craft solicitations with their business offices using local and values-based language. We will share strategies and resources to support local procurement and provide you with the tools you need to work with your business office, superintendent, and school board to advocate for adoption of local food policies and procedures.
Please bring copies of your district’s Wellness Policy, Procurement Policy (6220 or 7320), and Procurement Procedures (6220P or 7321P).
This training is geared toward public schools. If you are a private or charter school, there will be information presented that does not apply to your school. Prior to taking this workshop, it's recommended that you take the following training(s) on the School Meal Programs Moodle:
You must have a Moodle account and be 'self-enrolled' in the course to view these presentations.
Marketing and Promoting Your School Meal Programs
Wed, August 9 20231:00 PM - 5:00 PMCentral Washington University- Student Union Recreation Center - Ballroom CDo you have a strong nutrition program but struggle to communicate about all the great things going on in your schools? Do you need practical tips for promoting school meals? Do you want to elevate the role of child nutrition in the minds of students, their families, and school administration? In this workshop, district School Nutrition Program staff who are involved in communications and marketing will learn to implement best practices and discuss new strategies to promote school meals programs.
Scratch Cooking
Wed, August 9 20231:00 PM - 5:00 PMCentral Washington University- Student Union Recreation Center - Ballroom DDo you want to expand your School Meals Program menus by incorporating more scratch recipes?
This training will focus on the “desk work” of recipe development: participants will learn how to confidently use the Food Buying Guide and Recipe Analysis Workbook to determine how a recipe contributes to the meal pattern, how to perform in-house yield tests for ingredients and for the recipe as a whole, how to determine serving size and calculate the number of servings, and how to scale a recipe up or down according to needs.
This session will be a hands-on workshop, so bring your laptop (if you have one), a recipe you’d like to standardize, and get ready to roll up your sleeves and dig in! Prior to taking this workshop, it's recommended that you take the following trainings on the School Meal Programs Moodle:
You must have a Moodle account and be 'self-enrolled' in the course to view these presentations.
Thursday, August 10 - Morning Session
Thu, August 10 20238:00 AM - 12:00 PM-
Basics of Operating the School Meal Programs - Part 1
Thu, August 10 20238:00 AM - 12:00 PMCheck-In: 7:00 AM - 8:00 AMCentral Washington University- Student Union Recreation Center - Ballroom AIMPORTANT: Participants that register for this session must register for both Part 1 and 2 on the same day.
Did you start working with the School Meal Programs in the last five years? This 8-hour training is designed for individuals in a food service director or managerial role. We will focus on the basics of operating a successful school meal program, including meal pattern, menu planning, using your USDA Foods, and implementing an accurate point-of-service meal counting system.
This training will not focus on direct certification, processing meal applications, verification, or procurement. To learn more on these topics, we recommend watching the following trainings on the School Meal Programs Moodle:
You must have a Moodle account and be 'self-enrolled' in the course to view these presentations.
Procurement and Farm to School Activities
Thu, August 10 20238:00 AM - 12:00 PMCheck-In: 7:00 AM - 8:00 AMCentral Washington University- Student Union Recreation Center - Ballroom BDo you want to serve more local foods in your meals, but feel intimidated by procurement requirements?
This interactive session is designed to help school food service directors navigate the requirements, exemptions, and allowances of local procurement in Washington State. Sponsors will learn how to craft solicitations with their business offices using local and values-based language. We will share strategies and resources to support local procurement and provide you with the tools you need to work with your business office, superintendent, and school board to advocate for adoption of local food policies and procedures.
Please bring copies of your district’s Wellness Policy, Procurement Policy (6220 or 7320), and Procurement Procedures (6220P or 7321P).
This training is geared toward public schools. If you are a private or charter school, there will be information presented that does not apply to your school. Prior to taking this workshop, it's recommended that you take the following training(s) on the School Meal Programs Moodle:
You must have a Moodle account and be 'self-enrolled' in the course to view these presentations.
Marketing and Promoting Your School Meal Programs
Thu, August 10 20238:00 AM - 12:00 PMCheck-In: 7:00 AM - 8:00 AMCentral Washington University- Student Union Recreation Center - Ballroom CDo you have a strong nutrition program but struggle to communicate about all the great things going on in your schools? Do you need practical tips for promoting school meals? Do you want to elevate the role of child nutrition in the minds of students, their families, and school administration? In this workshop, district School Nutrition Program staff who are involved in communications and marketing will learn to implement best practices and discuss new strategies to promote school meals programs.
Scratch Cooking
Thu, August 10 20238:00 AM - 12:00 PMCheck-In: 7:00 AM - 8:00 AMCentral Washington University- Student Union Recreation Center - Ballroom DDo you want to expand your School Meals Program menus by incorporating more scratch recipes?
This training will focus on the “desk work” of recipe development: participants will learn how to confidently use the Food Buying Guide and Recipe Analysis Workbook to determine how a recipe contributes to the meal pattern, how to perform in-house yield tests for ingredients and for the recipe as a whole, how to determine serving size and calculate the number of servings, and how to scale a recipe up or down according to needs.
This session will be a hands-on workshop, so bring your laptop (if you have one), a recipe you’d like to standardize, and get ready to roll up your sleeves and dig in! Prior to taking this workshop, it's recommended that you take the following trainings on the School Meal Programs Moodle:
You must have a Moodle account and be 'self-enrolled' in the course to view these presentations.
Thursday, August 10 - Afternoon Session
Thu, August 10 20231:00 PM - 5:00 PM-
Basics of Operating the School Meal Programs - Part 2
Thu, August 10 20231:00 PM - 5:00 PMCentral Washington University- Student Union Recreation Center - Ballroom AIMPORTANT: Participants that register for this session must register for both Part 1 and 2 on the same day.
Did you start working with the School Meal Programs in the last five years? This 8-hour training is designed for individuals in a food service director or managerial role. We will focus on the basics of operating a successful school meal program, including meal pattern, menu planning, using your USDA Foods, and implementing an accurate point-of-service meal counting system.
This training will not focus on direct certification, processing meal applications, verification, or procurement. To learn more on these topics, we recommend watching the following trainings on the School Meal Programs Moodle:
You must have a Moodle account and be 'self-enrolled' in the course to view these presentations.
Culturally Inclusive Menu Planning
Thu, August 10 20231:00 PM - 5:00 PMCentral Washington University- Student Union Recreation Center - Ballroom BDo you want to add flavor and pizzazz to your menu planning process, and increase participation? In this workshop, participants will explore how different cultures and religions impact menu planning, and learn how to incorporate culturally inclusive meals into the planning process. You will also work to identify strategies to gather more information from your school community about various meal preferences, and strategize communication and promotion of culturally inclusive menu planning to your school community.
Monitoring Your Food Service Management Companies (FSMC) Contract
Thu, August 10 20231:00 PM - 5:00 PMCentral Washington University- Student Union Recreation Center - Ballroom CIMPORTANT: This session is required for Local Education Agency (LEA) officials with Food Service Management Company contracts. Registrants are only required to attend one training session. Please bring your LEA’s FSMC contracts and Request for Proposals (RFPs).
Whose responsibility is Food Nutrition Services when contracting with a Food Service Management Company (FSMC)?Participants will work to identify roles and responsibilities in USDA Child Nutrition Programs when contracting with FSMC and how to monitor FSMC contracts.
We will utilize group discussions to exchange ideas and consider frequent findings from administrative and procurement reviews so you can leave with an action plan to ensure that your district remains in control of quality and nutritious meals!
Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) Oversight
Thu, August 10 20231:00 PM - 5:00 PMCentral Washington University- Student Union Recreation Center - Ballroom DIMPORTANT: This session will only be offered once. If the session does not reach 25 registrants by July 15, 2023, it will be cancelled. Registrants will be notified by email if the session will not take place and will be able to sign up for a different session.
Do you operate the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) for PreK, ECEAP, Head Start or At-Risk Afterschool participants? Are you new to CACFP operations? Have you had staff turnover, or do you need a refresher on the different components of the CACFP? Or maybe you are not a current CACFP Sponsor, but interested in learning more about CACFP requirements?
If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, this training is for you! The goal of this training is to cover CACFP basics, setting you up for successful CACFP operation in SY 2023–24.
Topics covered in this training will include:
- Staff training
- CACFP meal pattern
- Offer vs Serve
- Vended meals contracts for PreK, ECEAP & Head Start programs
- Meal counts
- Site Monitoring and Oversight
- Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) schools- what does this mean for CACFP?
- CACFP fiscal year renewal deadlines
- At-Risk calendar
- CACFP annual sponsor training (what is required)
This training is optional and does not meet your CACFP annual training requirements. A recording of this training will be posted in Canvas and available to view later.
Event # 155802
- Price
- Free
- Registration Ends
- Thursday Aug 3, 2023 12:00 AM