Juvenile Justice Impacted Students: Systems, Impacts, and Skills for Reengagement

Juvenile Justice Impacted Students: Systems, Impacts, and Skills for Reengagement


Wed, April 24 2024 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM


  • Michael Tuncap
  • Rashad Norris


This day-long professional development training is for school-based staff and other youth-serving professionals who are interested in learning more about serving previously incarcerated or detained youth, also referred to as Post-Resident Youth. Attendees can expect to:

1) increase their awareness of Post-Resident Youth needs and experiences

2) improve their knowledge of juvenile justice systems and impacts in Washington state, and

3) improve their ability for connecting and coordinating with others in support of Post-Resident Youth students. 

We warmly welcome all school-based student support professionals to attend as capacity allows. Please note that the priority audience for this training are Open Doors Youth Reengagement program staff (instructors and case managers) and that some elements of the training will be specific to the program. No matter your role, please be prepared to network with others.

We hope to introduce and increase skills for working with Post-Resident Youth (PRY) students Open Doors Youth Reengagement Programs and other school settings. PRY is defined as youth/young adults who have previously ever experienced detention or incarceration.


NEWESD 101 Region
4202 S Regal Street Spokane WA 99223-7738


  • Wed, April 24 2024
    8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
    ESD101, Spokane


Event # 166381

37 / 72
Registration Ends
Tuesday Apr 30, 2024 11:30 PM
Registration is now closed.

Professional Hours

Clock Hour Number: SPJ0231
6.50 Clock Hours
6.50 Educational Leadership
6.50 Educational Leadership