Tree Health Collagraphs and Actions

Tree Health Collagraphs and Actions

Sat, April 29 2023 10:00 AM - 2:30 PM


  • Shameka Gagnier
  • Beverly Harding Buehler


Following a mindfulness grounding in place during which participants engage their senses, prior knowledge, and imaginations to visualize healthy trees and the web of life they sustain, participants learn about the indicators of healthy trees and forests and some of the negative impacts of deforestation, loss of old growth habitat, and climate change. Next, participants go outside to observe and record indicators of tree health in their local community. Participants use both scientific and arts-based ways to gather evidence and record their observations. Back in the classroom, participants create a collagraph print based on their observations and reflections. Finally, participants work in small groups to plan a public message, action steps, or eco-justice event to raise awareness about tree health and the ways that people can better support trees in climate change.

Event Notes

Funding provided by the Washington State Legislature through the ClimeTime Proviso and is available to Washington State educators only.

STEM Clock Hours: 4

Stipend: $200


Center at Norpoint (Meeting Room 101)
4818 Nassau Ave NE Tacoma WA 98422


  • Sat, April 29 2023
    10:00 AM - 2:30 PM
    Free parking is available.


Event # 154272

32 / 30
Registration Ends
Monday Apr 24, 2023 10:00 AM
Registration is now closed.

Professional Hours

Clock Hour Number: SEM0213
4.00 Clock Hours $15.00
4.00 STEM


STEAM Visual Arts Arts Integration Educators of Color